Origin: It comes from the region of the Andes.
Tree: Evergreen and velvety leaves, dark green coloured.
- Rounded shape with fine and dense, arching branches.
- Quite sensitive to cold and winds.
- It prefers sandy loam soils.
- It needs strong pruning, due to its vigour.
- It starts producing at 3-4 years after planting.
Fruit: Green colour and oval shape. Its skin is cross linked and its weight, if it is not pollinated manually, is between 150 g. and 1 kg. With artificial pollination it is achieved more homogenization both in weight and fruit quality.
Fruit ripening: From mid-September to mid-March.
Pruning: At the end of winter and before sprouting.
Planting layout: First years 4 x 8 m and 8 x 8 definitively.
Variety: Fino de Jete.
Rootstock: Franco.